
Missing uSignal in Database

Image module

Sometimes it can happen that an entry in the database is NULL and a component cannot find the uSignal.

This can happen if the database has not been saved correctly due to some error like an editor crash and another .

The database is an asset file in your Resources folder. It is a list divided into categories where the uSignals are assigned.

You can easily edit the list without the editor if you want. I recommend using the editor anyway to avoid errors.

Image module

If you select a uSignal listener in the scene and an entry in the database is zero you will get a hint.

Image module

If you select “yes” then you can select the missing uSignal by yourself.

Otherwise, a temporary u signal will be created to avoid generating errors.

Image module
Image module
Image module

Error on Build with Button Arguments

If you get an error when building your project because of the attribute buttons please use the platform #define directives from unity.

This happens cause the unityeditor namespace cannot be found.

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